Huyzen Lokeren


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Huyzen Lokeren

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    Wenst u een huis of appartement te verkopen of te verhuren? Bent u op zoek naar het perfecte stuk grond of luxe vastgoed? Of zoekt u de geschikte partner voor uw nieuwbouwproject?

    U bent aan het juiste adres!
    Onze immobiliënkantoren werken volgens de succesvolle verkoop- en verhuurformule van de Huyzen Vastgoedgroep.
    Wij zijn groot, maar tegelijk ook lokaal en persoonlijk.
    Door het combineren van de expertise en ervaring van onze vijf kantoren zorgen wij voor de best mogelijke service in de vastgoedsector.

    Wil u meer weten over onze aanpak of hebt u een interessant pand gezien?
    Kom langs in één van onze kantoren en wij beantwoorden met plezier al uw vragen !

  • Reviews 21

    • Pauline M. in 2024 via Google
      • + Beautiful properties of top quality! Good service, always available for all questions. Friendly and smooth purchase.
    • Tony in 2024 via Google
      • + Houses...absolutely at Huyzen Lokeren...just that little bit extra...that made the difference in the sale of our home...a sincere thank you to Maxim! Due to, Tony and Greta Segers-Vermeir
    • Louise-Marie Van Isterdael in 2023 via Google
      • - At the end of February a beautiful house came our way. We went to see it and absolutely loved it. The broker was already playing the game of 'you will have to be quick, there are still candidates that we are further along with'. We knew that this was typical for real estate agents and that it was probably not the case. Still, we quickly made an offer because the house was really our thing. We made an offer on a form drawn up by the mortgage shop and wanted the offer to be valid for 5 days. Then the broker started to be very difficult and did not act correctly at all. He did not want to pass on our offer to the sellers and tried to stall for time + gain personal benefit from it. He said that our offer had to be valid for a month and that 5 days was really not possible. He also said that the offer was only valid if it was on their form (which it is not). We kept repeating that he had to pass on our offer, the offer was valid and we stuck to our 5 days. The agent continued to be difficult and insisted on filling out their form. We eventually did this, but kept repeating that we did not deviate from our offer and the deadline we set. In the meantime, we were already a few days late... The standard form we had to complete was not correct for us, so we asked to adjust a few things. For example, the form stated that we had to pay the deposit (we wanted to call this a deposit, but he did not want this) after our offer was accepted, but friendly brokers and notaries told us that this was only necessary after signing the compromise. The document also stated that if we were to withdraw our offer after acceptance, we would have to pay 3% compensation to the broker (in addition to the legal 10% we would have to pay to the sellers). And finally, he also tried to adjust the date of our offer by noting at the end that our offer had only been given on the date of digital signing, but we were already 2 days further along... We sent several times what we wanted to change, but the broker was very difficult and always made something of what we did not want. For example, he changed the compensation from 10% for the owners and 3% for him to '7% for the owners and 3% for him'. While we do not think it is correct that we should have to pay him anything, we did agree with 10% for the owners. After much discussion and hassle, we adjusted the document ourselves and crossed it out by hand and wrote what we really wanted. This was eventually forwarded to him and he indicated that we were not going to continue discussing and adjusting, repeating once again that our offer had already been made 3 days ago and was valid and that we would therefore not adjust the term. In the end, the real estate agent only passed on the offer 3 days later, so the owners only had 2 days to think about it. While an estate agent must pass on every offer immediately. This broker was only concerned with himself and not his customers. Ultimately our offer was accepted and we now have a beautiful house, but the way this all went is really not okay. We would not recommend Huyzen property to anyone and prefer to stay as far away from them as possible.
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  • Listings 25

    • Average listing price Listing price < +
    • Average rental price/bedroom < +
    • Average Realo Estimate® < +
    • Population that is single Low High
    • Average age of the population Low High
    • Population that is a big family Low High
    • Population that is higher educated Low High
    • Population that is seeking a job Low High
    • Population that is from other origin Low High
    • Average income Income Low High
    • +

    Active listings 25

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